Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is who I am.....

I am who I am and that is it !!!!

I help people, and for most cases it makes Me feel good, in other cases I do it because it is the right thing to do. Other people in the world do it on a daily bases and not because it is their job, but just because they want to.

I seem to hurt some people ( not by choice most of the time ) in helping other people. When I help out I am required to be somewhere or do something else and not with the people I should/want to be with at the same . Sometimes, hell most of the time I wish/want I could be two or more people at the time, sometimes I feel I am two or more people being pulled apart but this is MY problem to get over. I really don't mean to hurt the people I care for but it just comes out that way from time to time, I have tried to change and it just doesn't work :-( I wish I had all the correct answers but I don't and that makes Me very sad.

As the late Walter Cronkite use to say " And that's the way it is "

Take Me for what I am, a helper, a GOS ( Good Old Sir ), someone who tries and helps most of the time with success, some of the time with failures, I don't mean to hurt anyone unless they have hurt Me ( like Renovco the Montreal renovators that screwed up My house did !! )

I know the words " I am sorry " just won't cut it but those are the only ones that I can say and mean it.


Buffalo said...

You have a good heart, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I second Buffalo's comment...

selkie said...

just read this- I must have been partying hearty down East when you wrote it! Agreed with the other two. The reality is that NO ONE can be all things to all people - and in the end, I don't think any of us should be expected to be.

Perfect would to my mind, be a very difficult thing for anyone to aspire to - and in the end, render one rather one dimensional and dare I admit it, boring?

Self-awareness, insight, a caring heart and strong mind - all of which you possess (after all, otherwise your little one wouldn't be so captivated now, would she? (cheeky grin))....

and with reference to morniningstar's post yesterday... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY

Anonymous said...

hey just checking out your blog, don't beat yourself up you are only human. I hurt people to sometimes I don't mean to either I hate hurting people, but for me its sorta of like a protective measure, I hurt them and push them away before they can hurt me.

Christina said...

Im not submissive in the D/s sense, but I have a 'curiosity'. By seeing the pictures of what the 14 inch flogger did to your submissive in creating the number 8 on her backside to me is Abuse pure and simple. Where's the pleasure in what you did and what she endured?